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calf feeding

In the field crop and animal health and nutrition, ionica has developed innovative proprietary technologies and partnered with leading global firms to offer solutions for healthy crops and food production, as well as healthy, ethical and sustainable animal health.

We work on several platforms:

  • Green formulation design, testing and regulatory support (consulting, project management, representation and market development).
  • Green ingredients for formulation at plant level and green adjuvants at field (farm) level.
  • Green crop & animal health solutions from our portfolio or through partnerships with leading firms.
  • Tolling, packing and logistics for green technologies in farm & urban settings.
  • Green adjuvants, Green seed & nutrient treatments & Green water/germination management adjuvants.

We offer bio-activators for formulation and field use (tank mixing), green solvents, green nutrients and seed treatments. We sell our own brands, but also carry key products from our partners, our aim is to add value to our clients, by providing formulators with top of the art inerts and by offering growers & farmers, safe, effective solutions for consumers and the environment. We offer innovation around bio activators, adjuvants, bio-stickers, low impact solvents, natural stickers, drift reduction tech, green seed treatments, water saving technologies, organic animal anti-microbes, germination boosters, plant nutrient loss prevention technologies and natural disinfectants and fungicides.


water drop

Water is a precious resource, we offer innovative technologies and services in order to protect and improve the quality of this key resource, be it at rural, urban or industrial level.

Our partner technology providers & labs in Canada allow us to assess the base line and design solutions for prevention and/or treatment. Soil is another finite resource which requires care and husbandry, some of our solutions are geared for agricultural and/or animal production environments, others are designed for forestry and natural areas.